February 1-14
February 1-14
February began with a cold and windy Lunar New Year. Temperatures were down to 10℃ in the northern New Territories but increased slightly from 6th, although it remained mainly cloudy with rain patches. The weather improved from 11th onwards and the temperature reached 24℃ on 12th.
Birds of note as follows:
Common Shelduck: the juvenile remained at Mai Po until at least 14th
Baikal Teal: the wintering drake remained at Mai Po until at least 10th
Gadwall: the highest count was five at Mai Po on 3rd
Falcated Duck: the highest count was six at Mai Po on 12th
American Wigeon: the drake was seen again at Mai Po on 7th
Chinese Spot-billed Duck: the highest count was six at Mai Po on 12th
Mallard: the highest count was five at Mai Po on 2nd
Greater Scaup: one was at Mai Po on 2nd & 6th; one was at Fung Lok Wai on from 3rd – 7th
Red-breasted Merganser: a female was seen at Tsim Bei Tsui from 3rd - 7th
Pacific Swift: one was at Po Toi on 7th
Large Hawk Cuckoo: one was heard singing at Ping Che on 10th
Barred Cuckoo Dove: up to three were at Wu Kau Tang from 1st – 14th
Eastern Water Rail: one was at Fung Lok Wai from 1st – 14th with two noted there on 7th
Eurasian Coot: highest number reported was 15 at Fung Lok Wai on 6th
Slaty-legged Crake: one was found in a Kornhill car park on 8th
Great Crested Grebe: 30 were at Pak Nai on 5th
Northern Lapwing: one was at Mai Po from 3rd - 14th; two were at Long Valley on 7th
Long-toed Stint: three were at Mai Po on 3rd
Eurasian Woodcock: singles were at Sha Lo Tung on 1st, Tuen Mun Golf Centre on 5th and Tai Tong on 6th; two were at lam Tsuen on 11th
Red-necked Phalarope: 17 were off Po Toi on 7th with four there on 8th
Pallas’s Gull: six were at Mai Po on 1st, with five there on 2nd and then singles until 12th
Black-tailed Gull: the highest count off Po Toi was 120 on 8th (67 northeast, 52 west, one north)
Vega Gull: up to two were at Mai Po during the period under review
Mongolian Gull: the highest count was three at Mai Po on 7th
Slaty-backed Gull: the highest count was three at Mai Po on 7th
Caspian Tern: one was at Mai Po on 7th with three there on 8th and two on 10th
Ancient Murrelet: ten in total moved northeast past Po Toi on 6th – a new high count; two flew northeast there on 8th
Cinnamon Bittern: one at Tai Mei Tuk to 7th; one at Fung Lok Wai on 4th
Black-winged Kite: one at Mai Po on 1st
Crested Honey Buzzard: two unseasonal birds at Yan Yee Road on 5th
Japanese Sparrowhawk: one at south Lantau on 4th; one at Nam Sang Wai on 5th
Collared Owlet: one was reported from Ho Chung on 3rd
Chinese Barbet: one was at Ho Chung until at least 12th; one was at Tai Po Kau on 13th
Ashy Minivet: one was at Wu Kau Tang on 13th
Bull-headed Shrike: one was near Tseng Lau Shu on 3rd
Grey-backed Shrike: the elusive wintering bird was again at Tai Mei Tuk catchwater on 4th & 12th
Amur Paradise Flycatcher: one was at Quarry Bay on 2nd
Carrion Crow: the wintering bird was at Mai Po on 2nd & 8th and at Lut Chau on 14th
Japanese Tit: a green-backed bird was at Tai Mei Tuk catchwater on 3rd, 4th & 10th
Rufous-faced Warbler: one was at Pak Sha O on 1st; one was at Sai Kung West CP on 12th
Black-throated Tit: one was at Shing Mun on 6th, 8th & 9th, with four there on 11th
Pale-footed Bush Warbler: one was at Liu Pok on 8th, 9th & 11th
Hume’s Leaf Warbler: singles were at Tai Tong from 3rd - 9th, Wu Kau Tang on 5th, Tam Kon Chau Road on 4th and at Ho Chung on 5th
Radde’s Warbler: one was at Yung Shue O on 13th
Common Chiffchaff: one was at Fung Lok Wai from 3rd – 12th; two were there on 8th
Eastern Crowned Warbler: two were at Shing Mun on 9th
White-spectacled Warbler: two were at Tai Po Kau on 13th
Grey-crowned Warbler: one was at Mt Davis on 1st
Alström's Warbler: two wereat Pak Sha O on 6th; one was at Shing Mun on 11th
Two-barred Warbler: six were at Shing Mun on 11th
Greenish Warbler: one was at Ho Chung on 2nd; one was at Wu Kau Tang on 4th, 11th & 13th
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler: two were at Wu Kau Tang on 1st & 5th, and singles were reported from Mt Davis on 2nd & 7th, Mai Po on 2nd, Ho Chung from 4th - 10th, Yan Yee Road on 5th, Shing Mun on 11th and Sai Kung West CP on 12th
Chestnut-crowned Warbler: one was at Ho Chung on 2nd & 6th
Kloss’s Leaf Warbler: two were at Ho Chung on 2nd with one there on 6th; one was at Wu Kau Tang on 3rd & 5th; one was at Tai Po Kau on 13th
Manchurian Reed Warbler: one was at Fung Lok Wai from 4th – 14th with two there on 8th
Booted Warbler: one was at Fung Lok Wai from 1st – 14th
White’s Thrush: highest count was five at Tai Tong on 5th
Eyebrowed Thrush: one was at Ho Chung on 12th
Pale Thrush: one was at Sai Kung West CP on 12th
Brown-headed Thrush: one was at Shing Mun on 9th; one was at Sai Kung West CP on 12th
Fujian Niltava: one was at Wu Kau Tang from 4th – 11th; three were at Ho Chung on 5th with one there on 10th; one was at Pak Sha O on 6th; one was at Tai Tong on 7th
Small Niltava: one was at Wu Kau Tang during the period under review with two there on 12th; one was at Shing Mun on 8th; one was at Tai Lam CP on 11th
Siberian Blue Robin: one was reported from near Tuen Mun Golf Centre on 5th; if accepted, this will be only the sixth winter record
Japanese Robin: one was singing at Wu Kau Tang on 11th
Slaty-backed Forktail: one was at CUHK on 4th; up to two were seen at Shing Mun from 7th - 9th – this is a regular site for this species in Hong Kong
Narcissus/Ryukyu Flycatcher: a 2nd calendar year male was at Tseung Kwan O on 10th; this is the first winter record of either of these species for Hong Kong
Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher: one was at Tai Mei Tuk catchwater on 3rd
Red-breasted Flycatcher: singles were at Mai Po from 1st - 7th, Tai Mei Tuk catchwater on 4th, Long Valley on 7th and Shui Hau on 12th
White-throated Rock Thrush: one was at Tai Lam CP on 3rd
Grey Bush Chat: up to three were reported from Sha Lo Tung until 3rd
Mrs Gould’s Sunbird: one was at Shing Mun on 6thwith three there on 9th and four on 11th
Forest Wagtail: one was at Chai Wan from 2nd – 6th; one was at Shing Mun on 6th
Chinese Grosbeak: 25 were at Mui Wo on 6th; 40 were at Tai Lam Chung on 8th; 30 were at Sandy Ridge on 11th
Common Rosefinch: highest count was 20 at Wu Kau Tang on 1st
Grey-capped Greenfinch: nine were at Long Valley on 7th
Chestnut-eared Bunting: one was at Long Valley on 4th
Little Bunting: highest counts were 40 at Long Valley on 3rd and 45 at Ping Yeung on 11th
Yellow-browed Bunting: one was at Long Valley on 3rd
Rustic Bunting: one was at Sai Kung West CP on 13th; this is only the third winter record for Hong Kong
Yellow-breasted Bunting: one was at Long Valley on 3rd.
Birds of note as follows:
Common Shelduck: the juvenile remained at Mai Po until at least 14th
Baikal Teal: the wintering drake remained at Mai Po until at least 10th
Gadwall: the highest count was five at Mai Po on 3rd
Falcated Duck: the highest count was six at Mai Po on 12th
American Wigeon: the drake was seen again at Mai Po on 7th
Chinese Spot-billed Duck: the highest count was six at Mai Po on 12th
Mallard: the highest count was five at Mai Po on 2nd
Greater Scaup: one was at Mai Po on 2nd & 6th; one was at Fung Lok Wai on from 3rd – 7th
Red-breasted Merganser: a female was seen at Tsim Bei Tsui from 3rd - 7th
Pacific Swift: one was at Po Toi on 7th
Large Hawk Cuckoo: one was heard singing at Ping Che on 10th
Barred Cuckoo Dove: up to three were at Wu Kau Tang from 1st – 14th
Eastern Water Rail: one was at Fung Lok Wai from 1st – 14th with two noted there on 7th
Eurasian Coot: highest number reported was 15 at Fung Lok Wai on 6th
Slaty-legged Crake: one was found in a Kornhill car park on 8th
Great Crested Grebe: 30 were at Pak Nai on 5th
Northern Lapwing: one was at Mai Po from 3rd - 14th; two were at Long Valley on 7th
Long-toed Stint: three were at Mai Po on 3rd
Eurasian Woodcock: singles were at Sha Lo Tung on 1st, Tuen Mun Golf Centre on 5th and Tai Tong on 6th; two were at lam Tsuen on 11th
Red-necked Phalarope: 17 were off Po Toi on 7th with four there on 8th
Pallas’s Gull: six were at Mai Po on 1st, with five there on 2nd and then singles until 12th
Black-tailed Gull: the highest count off Po Toi was 120 on 8th (67 northeast, 52 west, one north)
Vega Gull: up to two were at Mai Po during the period under review
Mongolian Gull: the highest count was three at Mai Po on 7th
Slaty-backed Gull: the highest count was three at Mai Po on 7th
Caspian Tern: one was at Mai Po on 7th with three there on 8th and two on 10th
Ancient Murrelet: ten in total moved northeast past Po Toi on 6th – a new high count; two flew northeast there on 8th
Cinnamon Bittern: one at Tai Mei Tuk to 7th; one at Fung Lok Wai on 4th
Black-winged Kite: one at Mai Po on 1st
Crested Honey Buzzard: two unseasonal birds at Yan Yee Road on 5th
Japanese Sparrowhawk: one at south Lantau on 4th; one at Nam Sang Wai on 5th
Collared Owlet: one was reported from Ho Chung on 3rd
Chinese Barbet: one was at Ho Chung until at least 12th; one was at Tai Po Kau on 13th
Ashy Minivet: one was at Wu Kau Tang on 13th
Bull-headed Shrike: one was near Tseng Lau Shu on 3rd
Grey-backed Shrike: the elusive wintering bird was again at Tai Mei Tuk catchwater on 4th & 12th
Amur Paradise Flycatcher: one was at Quarry Bay on 2nd
Carrion Crow: the wintering bird was at Mai Po on 2nd & 8th and at Lut Chau on 14th
Japanese Tit: a green-backed bird was at Tai Mei Tuk catchwater on 3rd, 4th & 10th
Rufous-faced Warbler: one was at Pak Sha O on 1st; one was at Sai Kung West CP on 12th
Black-throated Tit: one was at Shing Mun on 6th, 8th & 9th, with four there on 11th
Pale-footed Bush Warbler: one was at Liu Pok on 8th, 9th & 11th
Hume’s Leaf Warbler: singles were at Tai Tong from 3rd - 9th, Wu Kau Tang on 5th, Tam Kon Chau Road on 4th and at Ho Chung on 5th
Radde’s Warbler: one was at Yung Shue O on 13th
Common Chiffchaff: one was at Fung Lok Wai from 3rd – 12th; two were there on 8th
Eastern Crowned Warbler: two were at Shing Mun on 9th
White-spectacled Warbler: two were at Tai Po Kau on 13th
Grey-crowned Warbler: one was at Mt Davis on 1st
Alström's Warbler: two wereat Pak Sha O on 6th; one was at Shing Mun on 11th
Two-barred Warbler: six were at Shing Mun on 11th
Greenish Warbler: one was at Ho Chung on 2nd; one was at Wu Kau Tang on 4th, 11th & 13th
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler: two were at Wu Kau Tang on 1st & 5th, and singles were reported from Mt Davis on 2nd & 7th, Mai Po on 2nd, Ho Chung from 4th - 10th, Yan Yee Road on 5th, Shing Mun on 11th and Sai Kung West CP on 12th
Chestnut-crowned Warbler: one was at Ho Chung on 2nd & 6th
Kloss’s Leaf Warbler: two were at Ho Chung on 2nd with one there on 6th; one was at Wu Kau Tang on 3rd & 5th; one was at Tai Po Kau on 13th
Manchurian Reed Warbler: one was at Fung Lok Wai from 4th – 14th with two there on 8th
Booted Warbler: one was at Fung Lok Wai from 1st – 14th
White’s Thrush: highest count was five at Tai Tong on 5th
Eyebrowed Thrush: one was at Ho Chung on 12th
Pale Thrush: one was at Sai Kung West CP on 12th
Brown-headed Thrush: one was at Shing Mun on 9th; one was at Sai Kung West CP on 12th
Fujian Niltava: one was at Wu Kau Tang from 4th – 11th; three were at Ho Chung on 5th with one there on 10th; one was at Pak Sha O on 6th; one was at Tai Tong on 7th
Small Niltava: one was at Wu Kau Tang during the period under review with two there on 12th; one was at Shing Mun on 8th; one was at Tai Lam CP on 11th
Siberian Blue Robin: one was reported from near Tuen Mun Golf Centre on 5th; if accepted, this will be only the sixth winter record
Japanese Robin: one was singing at Wu Kau Tang on 11th
Slaty-backed Forktail: one was at CUHK on 4th; up to two were seen at Shing Mun from 7th - 9th – this is a regular site for this species in Hong Kong
Narcissus/Ryukyu Flycatcher: a 2nd calendar year male was at Tseung Kwan O on 10th; this is the first winter record of either of these species for Hong Kong
Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher: one was at Tai Mei Tuk catchwater on 3rd
Red-breasted Flycatcher: singles were at Mai Po from 1st - 7th, Tai Mei Tuk catchwater on 4th, Long Valley on 7th and Shui Hau on 12th
White-throated Rock Thrush: one was at Tai Lam CP on 3rd
Grey Bush Chat: up to three were reported from Sha Lo Tung until 3rd
Mrs Gould’s Sunbird: one was at Shing Mun on 6thwith three there on 9th and four on 11th
Forest Wagtail: one was at Chai Wan from 2nd – 6th; one was at Shing Mun on 6th
Chinese Grosbeak: 25 were at Mui Wo on 6th; 40 were at Tai Lam Chung on 8th; 30 were at Sandy Ridge on 11th
Common Rosefinch: highest count was 20 at Wu Kau Tang on 1st
Grey-capped Greenfinch: nine were at Long Valley on 7th
Chestnut-eared Bunting: one was at Long Valley on 4th
Little Bunting: highest counts were 40 at Long Valley on 3rd and 45 at Ping Yeung on 11th
Yellow-browed Bunting: one was at Long Valley on 3rd
Rustic Bunting: one was at Sai Kung West CP on 13th; this is only the third winter record for Hong Kong
Yellow-breasted Bunting: one was at Long Valley on 3rd.
February 15-28
Generally mild from 15th – 18th with easterly winds and temperatures between 15-19℃. An intense surge of the northeast monsoon on 19th brought four days of continuous rain. The temperature was down to 6℃ in the northern New Territories on 20th and didn’t really begin to rise until 23rd. This was the coldest period of the winter. Temperatures were up to 24℃ on the last day of the month.
During the wet, cold spell observers noted how much more observable some birds were, especially thrushes and robins. The highlight, however, was a strong movement of Streaked Shearwaters off Po Toi between 17th and 19th; these birds were presumably brought in by the strong easterly winds that were occurring at the time.
Birds of note as follows:
Common Shelduck: the bird at Mai Po remained until at least 24th
Baikal Teal: the wintering drake was at Mai Po on 16th & 24th, and a female-type bird was there on 23rd
Gadwall: highest count was three at Mai Po on 23rd & 25th
Falcated Duck: highest count was six at Mai Po on 21st
American Wigeon: the long-staying drake was at Mai Po on 23rd with three hybrid American x Eurasian Wigeons also present
Chinese Spot-billed Duck: highest count was 18 at Mai Po on 18th
Mallard: highest count at Mai Po was six on 24th
Japanese Quail: two were at San Tin on 27th
Pacific Swift: one was at Po Toi on 27th
Large Hawk Cuckoo: two were at Tai Tong on 15th
Rock Dove: 640 were at Kowloon Park on 24th; this is a new highest count
Red Collared Dove: 85 were at San Tin on 27th
Barred Cuckoo Dove: up to three were seen at Wu Kau Tang until the end of the month
Eastern Water Rail: one was at Fung Lok Wai to 18th
Eurasian Coot: 16 were at Fung Lok Wai on 18th
Grey-headed Swamphen: one at Mai Po on 24th & 25th
Eurasian Woodcock: one was at Lamma on 16th
Red-necked Phalarope: one was off Po Toi on 16th and four were there on 17th six were seen form the Po Toi ferry on 27th
Oriental Pratincole: two were at San Tin on 26th & 27th
Pallas’s Gull: up to two at Mai Po to 24th
Black-tailed Gull: 15 were in Tolo Harbour and 81 were off Cape D’Aguilar on 18th; 128 were off Po Toi on 19th withs even there on 27th; 15 were off Cheung Chau on 19th
Vega Gull: one was at Mai Po on 23rd
Mongolian Gull: 12 were off Po Toi on 27th
Slaty-backed Gull: two were at Mai Po on 18th
Heuglin’s Gull: 23 were off Po Toi on 15th, with 33 on 18th, seven on 19th and 41 on 27th
Caspian Tern: six were at Mai Po on 23rd with two on 24th; eight were off Po Toi on 27th
Pomarine Jaeger: two were off Po Toi on 16th, with one there on17th, 23 on 18th and one on 19th
Long-tailed Jaeger: singles were off Po Toi on 16th & 17th; these are the first February records for Hong Kong
Ancient Murrelet: counts at Po Toi involved one on 15th, eight on 16th, three on 18th, one on 19th and three on 27th
Streaked Shearwater: counts off Po Toi involved 33 on 17th, at least 204 on 18th, and 139 on 19th. These sightings are unprecedented. The previous earliest spring date in Hong Kong was 4 March, and the previous highest count was 149 past Po Toi on 22 July 2021. For Bart de Schutter’s account of this influx see: . One was also off Po Toi on 27th.
Cinnamon Bittern: one was at Luk Keng on 22nd; the long-staying bird was at Tai Mei Tuk on 23rd
Black-winged Kite: one was at Fung Lok Wai on 16th; one was at Mai Po on 27th
Crested Honey Buzzard: two were at Tai Tong on 17th
Bonelli’s Eagle: one was at Shek Kong Airfield Road on 27th
Collared Owlet: one was at Tai Po Kau on 24th; one was at Grassy Hill on 26th
Chinese Barbet: one was at Ho Chung on 15th; one was at Tai Po Kau on 28th
Ashy Minivet: one was at Tai Mei Tuk catchwater on 27th
Bull-headed Shrike: one was at Sha Lo Tung on 27th
Black-naped Oriole: one was at Lamma on 26th
Amur Paradise Flycatcher: the wintering bird was at Quarry Bay on 15th
Carrion Crow: the long-staying bird was at Mai Po on 18th & 24th
Eurasian Skylark: one was at San Tin on 15th
Asian House Martin: one was at Pui O on 21st
Rufous-faced Warbler: one was at Tai Po Kau on 24th; two were at Pak Sha O on 27th
Pale-footed Bush Warbler: one was at Liu Pok on 16th
Hume’s Leaf Warbler: one was at Tai Po Kau on 28th
Common Chiffchaff: one was at Fung Lok Wai on 16th
Eastern Crowned Warbler: one was at Tai Po Kau on 24th
White-spectacled Warbler: one was at Pak Sha O on 23rd; one was at Tai Po Kau on 28th
Bianchi’s Warbler: one was at Pak Sha O on 26th
Alström's Warbler: up to two were at Pak Sha O from 23rd – 27th
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler: one was at Pak Sha O on 26th & 27th
Arctic Warbler: one was at Sai Wan Swimming Shed on 26th; one was at Mt Davis on 27th
Chestnut-crowned Warbler: one was at Lead Mine Pass on 23rd; one was at Wu Kau Tang from 26th - 28th
Kloss’s Leaf Warbler: one was at Wu Kau Tang from 16th – 28th; one was at Ho Chung on 25th
Manchurian Reed Warbler: one was at Fung Lok Wai from 4th – 12th with two there on 8th
Booted Warbler: the wintering bird was still at Fung Lok Wai on 15th
Vinous-throated Parrotbill: one was at Mai Po on 26th
Indochinese Yuhina: 30 were at KFBG on 25th; 20 were at Tai Po Kau on 28th
Common Starling: one was at Mai Po on 25th; two were at San Tin on 27th
Grey-backed Thrush: highest count was 12 at Pak Sha O on 23rd
Japanese Thrush: highest count was 15 at Mt Davis on 20th
Eyebrowed Thrush: two were at Wu Kau Tang on 23rd; one was at Shap Long on 24th; one was at Wu Kau Tang on 26th
Pale Thrush: one was at North District Park on 16th; one was at Wu Kau Tang on 18th; one was at Pak Sha O on 26th; two were at Po Toi on 26th
Brown-headed Thrush: three were at Po Toi on 22nd; two were at Pak Sha O on 26th & 27th; one was at Shap Long on 26th
Dusky Thrush: one was at Sai Wan Swimming Shed on 26th
Hainan Blue Flycatcher: two were at Wu Kau Tang on 27th
Fujian Niltava: two were at KFBG on 25th; one was at Pak Sha O on 27th
Small Niltava: two were at Wu Kau Tang on 16th; one was at Shing Mun on 23rd; one was at Wu Kau Tang on 26th & 27th
Siberian Blue Robin: one was at Po Toi on 19th – potentially the sixth or seventh winter record
Red-breasted Flycatcher: one was at Mai Po on 21st
White-throated Rock Thrush: a female was at Shap Long, Lantau on 23rd
Mrs Gould’s Sunbird: a female was at Tai Po Kau on 18th, 20th & 26th; one was at Pak Sha O on 26th
Little Bunting: 45 were at Ping Che on 26th
Common Reed Bunting: three were at Mai Po on 27th.
During the wet, cold spell observers noted how much more observable some birds were, especially thrushes and robins. The highlight, however, was a strong movement of Streaked Shearwaters off Po Toi between 17th and 19th; these birds were presumably brought in by the strong easterly winds that were occurring at the time.
Birds of note as follows:
Common Shelduck: the bird at Mai Po remained until at least 24th
Baikal Teal: the wintering drake was at Mai Po on 16th & 24th, and a female-type bird was there on 23rd
Gadwall: highest count was three at Mai Po on 23rd & 25th
Falcated Duck: highest count was six at Mai Po on 21st
American Wigeon: the long-staying drake was at Mai Po on 23rd with three hybrid American x Eurasian Wigeons also present
Chinese Spot-billed Duck: highest count was 18 at Mai Po on 18th
Mallard: highest count at Mai Po was six on 24th
Japanese Quail: two were at San Tin on 27th
Pacific Swift: one was at Po Toi on 27th
Large Hawk Cuckoo: two were at Tai Tong on 15th
Rock Dove: 640 were at Kowloon Park on 24th; this is a new highest count
Red Collared Dove: 85 were at San Tin on 27th
Barred Cuckoo Dove: up to three were seen at Wu Kau Tang until the end of the month
Eastern Water Rail: one was at Fung Lok Wai to 18th
Eurasian Coot: 16 were at Fung Lok Wai on 18th
Grey-headed Swamphen: one at Mai Po on 24th & 25th
Eurasian Woodcock: one was at Lamma on 16th
Red-necked Phalarope: one was off Po Toi on 16th and four were there on 17th six were seen form the Po Toi ferry on 27th
Oriental Pratincole: two were at San Tin on 26th & 27th
Pallas’s Gull: up to two at Mai Po to 24th
Black-tailed Gull: 15 were in Tolo Harbour and 81 were off Cape D’Aguilar on 18th; 128 were off Po Toi on 19th withs even there on 27th; 15 were off Cheung Chau on 19th
Vega Gull: one was at Mai Po on 23rd
Mongolian Gull: 12 were off Po Toi on 27th
Slaty-backed Gull: two were at Mai Po on 18th
Heuglin’s Gull: 23 were off Po Toi on 15th, with 33 on 18th, seven on 19th and 41 on 27th
Caspian Tern: six were at Mai Po on 23rd with two on 24th; eight were off Po Toi on 27th
Pomarine Jaeger: two were off Po Toi on 16th, with one there on17th, 23 on 18th and one on 19th
Long-tailed Jaeger: singles were off Po Toi on 16th & 17th; these are the first February records for Hong Kong
Ancient Murrelet: counts at Po Toi involved one on 15th, eight on 16th, three on 18th, one on 19th and three on 27th
Streaked Shearwater: counts off Po Toi involved 33 on 17th, at least 204 on 18th, and 139 on 19th. These sightings are unprecedented. The previous earliest spring date in Hong Kong was 4 March, and the previous highest count was 149 past Po Toi on 22 July 2021. For Bart de Schutter’s account of this influx see: . One was also off Po Toi on 27th.
Cinnamon Bittern: one was at Luk Keng on 22nd; the long-staying bird was at Tai Mei Tuk on 23rd
Black-winged Kite: one was at Fung Lok Wai on 16th; one was at Mai Po on 27th
Crested Honey Buzzard: two were at Tai Tong on 17th
Bonelli’s Eagle: one was at Shek Kong Airfield Road on 27th
Collared Owlet: one was at Tai Po Kau on 24th; one was at Grassy Hill on 26th
Chinese Barbet: one was at Ho Chung on 15th; one was at Tai Po Kau on 28th
Ashy Minivet: one was at Tai Mei Tuk catchwater on 27th
Bull-headed Shrike: one was at Sha Lo Tung on 27th
Black-naped Oriole: one was at Lamma on 26th
Amur Paradise Flycatcher: the wintering bird was at Quarry Bay on 15th
Carrion Crow: the long-staying bird was at Mai Po on 18th & 24th
Eurasian Skylark: one was at San Tin on 15th
Asian House Martin: one was at Pui O on 21st
Rufous-faced Warbler: one was at Tai Po Kau on 24th; two were at Pak Sha O on 27th
Pale-footed Bush Warbler: one was at Liu Pok on 16th
Hume’s Leaf Warbler: one was at Tai Po Kau on 28th
Common Chiffchaff: one was at Fung Lok Wai on 16th
Eastern Crowned Warbler: one was at Tai Po Kau on 24th
White-spectacled Warbler: one was at Pak Sha O on 23rd; one was at Tai Po Kau on 28th
Bianchi’s Warbler: one was at Pak Sha O on 26th
Alström's Warbler: up to two were at Pak Sha O from 23rd – 27th
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler: one was at Pak Sha O on 26th & 27th
Arctic Warbler: one was at Sai Wan Swimming Shed on 26th; one was at Mt Davis on 27th
Chestnut-crowned Warbler: one was at Lead Mine Pass on 23rd; one was at Wu Kau Tang from 26th - 28th
Kloss’s Leaf Warbler: one was at Wu Kau Tang from 16th – 28th; one was at Ho Chung on 25th
Manchurian Reed Warbler: one was at Fung Lok Wai from 4th – 12th with two there on 8th
Booted Warbler: the wintering bird was still at Fung Lok Wai on 15th
Vinous-throated Parrotbill: one was at Mai Po on 26th
Indochinese Yuhina: 30 were at KFBG on 25th; 20 were at Tai Po Kau on 28th
Common Starling: one was at Mai Po on 25th; two were at San Tin on 27th
Grey-backed Thrush: highest count was 12 at Pak Sha O on 23rd
Japanese Thrush: highest count was 15 at Mt Davis on 20th
Eyebrowed Thrush: two were at Wu Kau Tang on 23rd; one was at Shap Long on 24th; one was at Wu Kau Tang on 26th
Pale Thrush: one was at North District Park on 16th; one was at Wu Kau Tang on 18th; one was at Pak Sha O on 26th; two were at Po Toi on 26th
Brown-headed Thrush: three were at Po Toi on 22nd; two were at Pak Sha O on 26th & 27th; one was at Shap Long on 26th
Dusky Thrush: one was at Sai Wan Swimming Shed on 26th
Hainan Blue Flycatcher: two were at Wu Kau Tang on 27th
Fujian Niltava: two were at KFBG on 25th; one was at Pak Sha O on 27th
Small Niltava: two were at Wu Kau Tang on 16th; one was at Shing Mun on 23rd; one was at Wu Kau Tang on 26th & 27th
Siberian Blue Robin: one was at Po Toi on 19th – potentially the sixth or seventh winter record
Red-breasted Flycatcher: one was at Mai Po on 21st
White-throated Rock Thrush: a female was at Shap Long, Lantau on 23rd
Mrs Gould’s Sunbird: a female was at Tai Po Kau on 18th, 20th & 26th; one was at Pak Sha O on 26th
Little Bunting: 45 were at Ping Che on 26th
Common Reed Bunting: three were at Mai Po on 27th.
Please note that these are unchecked reports. Records of rarities and of unseasonal occurrences may be subject to assessment by the HKBWS Records Committee. A checklist showing species for which a description is required can be found at the HKBWS website -
All images & text © David Diskin unless otherwise stated
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